Just Above the Trees at the Skyscraper Museum

Image of New York City skyline

The violin duo Miolina will perform my music at The Skyscraper Museum in New York City this week. They’ll perform the piece we developed together last year, A Long Line of Clouds Just Above the Trees for violin duo and live electronics. I’ll be there to help with the electronics and enjoy the view of lower Manhattan from the museum windows.

This concert is free, but you must book a timed ticket for 5pm to attend. More info at Just Above the Trees

Friday May 26, 2023 5pm
Just Above the Trees
The Skyscraper Museum
39 Battery Place
New York, NY 10280

The concert also includes music by Alvin Singleton, Paula af Malmborg Ward, Shruthi Rajasekar and Geni Skendo, along with poetry by my New College colleague John Miller

Algorithmic Assemblages: Do Machines Dream of Art?

A collotype with a highly conspicuous portrayal of Classrooms making clear selected details about mathematical ability in children (2023) Parker Zimmerman

I’m in Austin to celebrate the closing of the exhibition Algorithmic Assemblages: Do Machines Dream of Art? assembled by Sarah Norris‘s students at the iSchool at the University of Texas.

The students have put together a great exhibit realizing hypothetical works of art suggested by my piece A Work of Art for Every Entry in Index—Subjects—Library of Congress. See an online version of the piece here. They’ve also created activities for exhibition visitors and an excellent website.

The exhibition closing reception is Thursday, April 13, 2o23 at 12:30-1:30pm.

March 30 – April 13, 2023
Algorithmic Assemblages: Do Machines Dream of Art?
University of Texas at Austin
iSchool (UTA), room 1.506
1606 Guadalupe
Austin TX

I didn’t get a chance to promote yesterday’s talk about Data as Medium at the UTVAC, but I greatly appreciate the invitation, their hospitality, and everyone who showed up for the event.

Listening as Creative Act

I’ve been invited by the Bureau for Experimental Ethnography at the University of Texas in Austin to give a talk tomorrow called “Listening as Creative Act.” I’ll be talking about my work with field recordings, improvisation, open form scores and interactivity. The event is open to the public.

Monday April 10, 2023 1pm
Listening as Creative Act
RLP 1.302B
University of Texas
Austin TX

Whirligig Instruments

digitally fabricated instruments including bullroarer, bumblers and whistles

I’ve posted details about a collection of whirligig instruments I created. The instruments use generative design techniques and can be produced with digital fabrication tools: 3D printer, laser engraver/cutter, etc. The instruments are designed to make sound when spun on the end of a string. They include bullroarers, whistles and instruments I call bumblers that use vibrating rubber bands to make buzzing sound.

You can find the .stl and .svg files to cut and print your own instruments on the pages linked above. You can also find OpenSCAD .scad files so you can customize the designs to your needs.