Holland Hopson

With Hidden Noises is a 4-channel interactive sound installation based on a sculpture by Marcel Duchamp. The original sculpture contains an unknown object placed inside by Duchamp’s patron and collector Walter Arensberg. The sculpture rattles when shaken, making it an early example of audio art. Visitors to the installation can handle a replica of Duchamp’s readymade containing electronic sensors instead of an unkown object. Their interactions with the scultpture cause it to produce a variety of sounds related to Duchamp’s work.
Holland Hopson: hardware, software, sound
Nicole Peyrafitte: voice
A binaural audio documentation CD was released by Grab Rare Arts in 2006.
With Hidden Noises was funded in part by an Artist in Residence grant from Harvestworks Digital Media Arts, NYC.
Voice and some source material recorded by Paul Geluso and Leslie Lavenet at Harvestworks Digital Media Arts, NYC. Other sound recorded by Holland Hopson on location and at Grab Rare Arts, Austin, TX.