Virtual Tour: Book as Art

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Here’s a virtual tour of the Book As Art, Vol. 13: Transformation exhibit that Half Premonitions of the Moon, the collaborative piece Sarah Bryant and I made. Our piece is highlighted at 7:34. Sarah has another piece in the gallery that is featured at 6:27 in the video.

The exhibit is supported by the Decatur Arts Alliance, Georgia Center for the Book, the DeKalb Co. Public Library, and DeKalb Library Foundation.

Saturday in Inwood, My Eighth Birthday, August, 1977

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I had a great time working with poet John Barger on this music to accompany his poem and family footage. John already has another book out, but don’t miss his Resurrection Fail that contains this poem.

I’m particularly fond of “At the Barnes Museum on a Cold Fall Afternoon” as a testament to the twinning and twining of art/poetry/life that happens so often in museums.