Numbers Station (Cynthia)

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Here’s Rene Reder, viola, and Chris Steele, piano, in the premiere performance of my work Numbers Station (Cynthia). This is from the Chamber Music @ AEIVA concert on October 28, 2021, held in conjunction with the exhibit Marking Time: Art in the Age of Mass Incarceration at the Abroms-Engel Institute for the Visual Arts, Birmingham, Alabama. The concert was organized by Laura Usiskin.

Like many of my pieces, this composition is open form and modular. In Numbers Station (Cynthia) all of the musical material relates to two dates chosen by the performers. So, as much as I love Chris and Rene’s performance here, I’m looking forward to future versions of the piece with different instrumentation, different numbers of performers, different chosen dates, etc.

Birds of Passage in an Egg-Shaped World

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Here’s a video of the premiere performance of Birds of Passage in an Egg-shaped World performed by students at CalArts under the direction of Tim Feeney.

Performers: Abigail Whitman, Eliot Burk, Bar Landau, Margo Harms, Matthew LeVeque,Victor Sintchak,Alexander Reyes, Nestor Gonzalez and Tim Feeney

I created the instruments using generative design techniques. They were produced using digital fabrication: 3D printing and laser cutting/engraving. I’ll post more info about the instruments later, including OpenSCAD code to produce them yourself.

This work was supported in part by a grant from the University of Alabama Office for Research and Economic Development (ORED) lnternal Funding Small Grants Program.

Miolina + Generative Video

Detail from Still Yet Already Again

Violin duo Miolina (Lynn Bechtold and Mioi Takeda) will perform my piece Still Yet Already Again on a live-streamed concert March 10 presented by UC Irvine. The piece is for violin duo with live electronics, and for this concert I’ve prepared a video driven by the sounds of the instruments and the processed audio.

Miolina will also perform works by Lynn Bechtold, Jean-Baptiste Favory, Mari Kimura and Milica Paranosic.

10 March 2021 8PM EST