Snakeskin Found at Western Illinois University

Cellist Craig Hultgren will perform my piece Snakeskin (verso) for cello and live electronics tonight at 7:30 Central Time during the opening concert of the Western Illinois University New Music Festival. The festival will be streamed on YouTube: and FaceBook Live:

Miolina + Generative Video

Detail from Still Yet Already Again

Violin duo Miolina (Lynn Bechtold and Mioi Takeda) will perform my piece Still Yet Already Again on a live-streamed concert March 10 presented by UC Irvine. The piece is for violin duo with live electronics, and for this concert I’ve prepared a video driven by the sounds of the instruments and the processed audio.

Miolina will also perform works by Lynn Bechtold, Jean-Baptiste Favory, Mari Kimura and Milica Paranosic.

10 March 2021 8PM EST

Quote from Sonic Writing

These new practices transcend the linearity of the musical score and recording, not by rejecting them, but rather by including and opening them up, introducing interactivity, agency, interpretation, exploration, collaboration, and environmental factors.

Sonic Writing, Thor Magnusson

This list goes a long way toward explaining tendencies in my work: interactivity, agency, interpretation, exploration, collaboration, and environmental factors.