Pale Blue Dot Blues

Pale Blue Dot photo of Earth taken from the Voyager space probe (source: Wikipedia)

This is a fun finger-picked tune from my recent collaboration with fiddler, Esther Morgan-Ellis. The video is of our performance at the University of North Georgia, Dahlonega, of my tune “Pale Blue Dot Blues.”

YouTube player
Pale Blue Dot Blues; Esther Morgan-Ellis, fiddle; Holland Hopson, banjo

And here’s the banjo tablature:

Notes About This Tune

  • “Pale Blue Dot Blues” is in C, played in an open C tuning (eCEGC) using the two-finger, thumb lead up picking style.
  • I like the way this tune sounds on a fretless banjo with Nylgut strings–a low, mellow tone with some nice slides thrown in for color.
  • The piece isn’t really a blues. It’s not in a blues style or blues form, though its ABABC structure could be a nod to the typical AAB phrases of a 12-bar blues.
  • The title comes from the Pale Blue Dot photo (above) of earth taken by the Voyager I explorer.

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