Quote from Sonic Writing

These new practices transcend the linearity of the musical score and recording, not by rejecting them, but rather by including and opening them up, introducing interactivity, agency, interpretation, exploration, collaboration, and environmental factors.

Sonic Writing, Thor Magnusson

This list goes a long way toward explaining tendencies in my work: interactivity, agency, interpretation, exploration, collaboration, and environmental factors.

Blog-o-riffic Update

Building Blocks

Welcome to the new hollandhopson.com. I expect it will be a little rough around the edges for a while, but I’m excited about the new move.

The old hollandhopson.com was slowly dying its slow, static html death. And I had all but abandoned it in favor of my shiny wordpress-powered blog The Field Guide. Even though I’d ported all the old pages (well, most of them) to the new format, I was still holding onto the old site. Then I upgraded my machine and old-reliable Dreamweaver wouldn’t work anymore. So tonight I flipped the switch.

A big shout-out to WordPress for their amazing software.

What’s old at hollandhopson.com

new to the site in 2007

071206: My Maps CD is now available at amiestreet.com.

071127: Fixed a problem with the East Virginia mp3.

071103: All the action is happening over at the blog. I added links on the listen page and the field recordings page to the audio files posted on The Field Guide.

070917: My blog, The Field Guide, launched today.

070912: William Harrington over at mog.com gives a shout out to Holland Hopson/James Keepnews. So here’s a shout back to you.

070911: I’m putting the final touches on a new blog to be announced in a day or two. Check back for details.

070619: Soundhorn, Bee vs. Moth‘s first CD, has been getting some attention. Read reviews from The Austin Chronicle and Austin Sound.

070430: Added 3 clawhammer banjo and electronics mp3s to the listen page. These were recorded at my recent show at the Peacock. My Own True Love, Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down & East Virginia

070412: Added lead sheets for Swaps in C and Bb on the works page.

070404: Friend and collaborator James Keepnews is organizing ”Home Field Advantage – Expermental Jazz in Jersey City“ at the Lex Leonard Gallery featuring music by James Keepnews, Daniel Carter, Tim Keiper, Harris Eisenstadt, Sara Schoenbeck, Eivind Opsvik, Tony Malaby, Jeff Davis, Ben Gerstein, Jason Kao Hwang, Ken Filiano, Andrew Drury and Steve Swell. Read more at All About Jazz.

070319: hollandhopson.net is now hollandhopson.com.

070227: Added lead sheets for Double Blue in C and Bb on the works page.

070211: Gosh darn it. I finally added a link to the Austin Cobra Players MySpace page. Not sure why it took me so long…

070108: Added the score for Nine Islands, Nine Dialects for solo cello to the works page.

new to the site in 2006

061223: A long-overdue update of the color scheme and some navigation on the site. Look for more to come in 2007.

061215: Added lead sheets for But You Could in C and Bb on the works page.

061122: Added an mp3 of For James (Rising or Falling) on the listen page.

061101: Added a review from last May’s AMODA Performance Series concert with Stephen Vitiello.

061009: Added photos from August’s Intro to Hardware Hacking and Circuit-bending Workshop sponsored by the Austin New Music Co-op.

060917: The Happy Birthday Mr. Cage! concert presented by the Austin New Music Co-op and Michelle Schumann was reviewed in the Statesman Blog by Jody. Read it here.

060512: The Austin Chronicle reviewed With Hidden Noises calling it “not so much like ingesting a bottle of cough syrup, but more like a post-apocalyptic radio transmission.” Read the entire review here.

060224: My latest CD With Hidden Noises is now out and available at the new Grab Rare Arts site.

060128: The Wire reviewed the Gates Ensemble CD 16 october 03 in their February 2006 issue. Pick up a copy at your favorite newstand or record store. Here’s a select bit: “…fluent and imaginative, sustained electronic drones and whines weaving among dramatic instrumental colors.”

new to the site in 2005

050901: Voxlox has released Iraqnophobia, a new CD by Alex Coke featuring Tina Marsh and the Creative Opportunity Orchestra. The recording includes a track of my banjo and electronics work. Find more information on the Voxlox site. And find a feature article and review in the Austin Chronicle.

050824: Added a link to Travis Weller’s new site stableunstable.com

050615: Added a link to Spectral House, the label that recently released the Gates Ensemble’s latest CD 16 october 03

050611: Added a link to the Austin American-Statesman’s review of the Austin New Music Coop’s John Cage Songbooks show.

050114: Added an mp3 and score of Chords, Clouds, Masses, Continents, Tutti-Frutti #1 on the works page.

new to the site in 2004

041119: Experimental Music in Texas website back online! I’m co-editor of this online community and forum.

041013: Added a link to “Instrumental Genius” the San Diego Union-Tribune‘s article on NWEAMO and Harry Partch

041011: “Cuckoo” was featured on Creative Commons CC Remix Music blog back on March 22, 2004. I just caught it–thanks to Neeru Paharia for including it. Now someone needs to step up and remix it.

040607: added Maps CD announcement and PayPal buttons. woohoo! internet commerce!

040413: added a section on circuit bending, including pictures of some recent circuit bent instruments.

040204: finally added some Nord Modular patches for download. Go the tools page.

040202: Keith Fullerton Whitman (hrvatski) has listed the Chavez/Ewen/Hopson trio performance @ AMODA as one of his favorite performances of 2003. Check out his other faves at www.reckankomplex.com

040128: added many new mp3s to the listen and works pages.

040108: added a description and photos of my latest installation: sun drum moon rock dust dusk to the projects page.

new to the site in 2003

031027: added the score to Sound Cycle to the works page.

030922: added the score to Quartet 60x88x120x208

030901: added the score to “Hey, the Na Na Song” and a .pdf of example parts. Added a “what’s old” page for 2002 news. Added a section to the listen page for archived radio broadcasts.

030828: updated bio, arts cv, and academic cv on info page

030802: updated upcoming appearances and works page

030702: added link to Metaharmonic Records and updated upcoming appearances.

030610: added listen page with high-quality mp3s and mp3 streams. Reorganized the navigation links on left side of each page. Update the reviews page. Renamed the connections page to links.

030415: added a link to the Squid’s Ear review of March 28th’s performance with James Keepnews, Tom Chess, and Damian Catera. Added a link to Hunting and Gathering at Squidco.

030221: added a link to J. Eric Smith’s review of Hunting and Gathering that ran in Metroland, Albany, NY’s free weekly. Read it online here.

030220: added a new promo photo to the info section of the site.

030123: updated my CV’s (almost) and added a bio to the info section of the site.

030115: added a link to Hunting and Gathering at CDeMUSIC.

new to the site in 2002

021126: added photos from my recent visit to NJIT to the public section of the site.

021106: updated Max abstractions: hh.leaky and hh.ramper on the tools page.

021019: added some photos to the public section of the site. Just for fun.

021010: The archive of Holland and James’s performance on WFMU hosted by Irene Trudel is now up. Get to it here.

020831: added a review of Hunting & Gathering and announcement of live performance Sept. 23 on WFMU.

020814: Hunting & Gathering turned up on a Brazilian website listing of new jazz releases. See it here and then send me your theory on how such a thing could have happened.

020702: added a new mp3 of an old piece: Slap & Tickle