Really excited to hear Maria Chavez and Sandy Ewen together again! I had the privilege of playing with them once in Austin, TX. I remember the chalk dust left on the floor after our set from the chunks of sidewalk chalk Sandy used to bow her guitar strings.
Reality Shift Postponed
This is great news for those of you who are quite happy with the status quo. For anyone looking forward to the new paradigm promised by the Reality Shift online art exhibit (as I am), we’ll just have to live with the current state of the world for a few more weeks. Word is the exhibit will be live in early March.
Quote from Sonic Writing
These new practices transcend the linearity of the musical score and recording, not by rejecting them, but rather by including and opening them up, introducing interactivity, agency, interpretation, exploration, collaboration, and environmental factors.
Sonic Writing, Thor Magnusson
This list goes a long way toward explaining tendencies in my work: interactivity, agency, interpretation, exploration, collaboration, and environmental factors.
Psst! Over here…
I’m moving my blogging onto my main site and retiring the Field Guide blog. The blog has been great–full of good posts and activity–and it has developed into a nice resource and record of my work over the last decade (plus!). But it’s been harder and harder to maintain, so I’m pulling the plug.
I’ll continue to post similar material right here at
Blog-o-riffic Update
Welcome to the new I expect it will be a little rough around the edges for a while, but I’m excited about the new move.
The old was slowly dying its slow, static html death. And I had all but abandoned it in favor of my shiny wordpress-powered blog The Field Guide. Even though I’d ported all the old pages (well, most of them) to the new format, I was still holding onto the old site. Then I upgraded my machine and old-reliable Dreamweaver wouldn’t work anymore. So tonight I flipped the switch.
A big shout-out to WordPress for their amazing software.